How To Unlock Your Superpower As An Athletic Coach!
Jan 15, 2024🎙️ We’ve heard it said time and time again! Coaches have a tremendous impact on the athletes that they lead. It’s an amazing opportunity to invest in the lives of young people. How you communicate with them is vital.
🎙️ This episode is introducing the Flight Assessment. The Flight Assessment measures your behavior preferences in four key areas. I know you’re thinking what do my behavior preferences have to do with me having an impact on athletes? Buckle up for the journey!
- The Flight Attendant (I) - This area measures a person's preference toward interacting with & influencing others
- Grounds Crew (S) - This portion of the assessment measures one’s preferred pace and workflow within a given environment.
- Air Traffic Controller (C) - This segment measures one’s tendency for dealing with rules, protocols, and systems.
- The Pilot (D) - This category determines one’s preferred approach to solving problems & making decisions.
🎙️ The Flight Assessment shines the spotlight on the fact that our perception of ourselves can be far different from others perception of us.
🎙️ Shout outs to Dr. Eric “ET the Hip Hop Preacher” Thomas for assigning relatable characters to the DISC assessment.
🎙️ The ’S’ and the ‘C’ are flip flopped in the video, however, the information noted above is correct.
🎙️ How important would it be, from a recruiting perspective, if you already have a handle on the behavior preferences of your existing team which would help you better understand what behavior preference that you are lacking.
🎙️ The Flight Assessments addresses your natural behavior versus your adaptive behavior. Do you have players that are amazing in practice but when game time comes it’s a totally different story. The adaptive behavior is how you react when you’re being watched.
🎙️ The Flight Assessments takes a deeper dive into each of the characters to help you to understand even further your strengths and limitations. You can imagine how having this level of information on each of your players and fellow coaches would be a game changer for you.
🎙️ You also get a summary of your adaptive range. This is how you respond when you are being watched.
🎙️ Then there is a section on motivation. We all know the challenge that exists in this area of motivation. Imagine having the cheat code for each of your athletes!
🎙️ Followed by self care! The importance of self care is everywhere. The need for self care is even more prevalent with athletes and coaches.
🎙️ Of course there is a section on the opportunities for growth. Athletes are always striving to get better so this section is extremely valuable as well.
🎙️Whether you want to admit it or not, perception is reality. Understanding this section alone will help give you the insight that you’ve been missing out on all of these years!
🎙️ Next, there is the cheat code of how to communicate best! The importance of knowing the do and don’t will literally change the game for you when communicating with your team.
🎙️The Flight Assessment is concluded with some reflection questions.
🎙️ Self awareness is key. Understanding who you are, accept who you are and then make the half time adjustments which will lead to you becoming a master communicator.
🎙️ Are you ready to take Flight?
🎙️ Let’s stay connected: