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Building A Culture of Community & Belonging!

#belonging #coach #community #culture #football #highschool #relationships Apr 15, 2024

🎙️ As a little boy, Keith thought that he was going to be a psychiatrist to help people through their struggles in life and make a difference in the world.  However, he wasn’t in love with the science classes that this path required.  

🎙️ Keith has actually shifted paths a few times along the way.  He pivoted to law school at the University of Maryland and practiced law for 6 years.  As a divorce attorney, it just didn’t have the impact on the world that he had dreamed.  

🎙️ In 2004, with a one year old, working long hours and being miserable, his wife would make him a job offer that he couldn’t refuse.  

🎙️ His wife would ask him a brilliant thought provoking question that began his coaching journey and ultimately led them to Louisville, KY!  

🎙️ With no prior coaching experience he would write letters to area schools with the desire to add value to someone’s coaching program.  His introduction into coaching came as an assistant freshman coach at Ballard High School.  

🎙️ The one thing that Coach Eckloff quickly understood was that to build trust with the athletes you can’t be fake!  You must be yourself, genuine and real!  The athletes that he coaches are truth detectors!  He’s learned to be himself and be consistent.  

🎙️ He would then invest 3 years at Seneca High School beginning as the head freshman coach and then the varsity assistant.  Then he went back to Ballard where he was the offensive coordinator for 6 years.  He would then go to Male High School for 5 years.  He would leave Male for the head coaching role at Seneca where he invested 5 years.  

🎙️ Here are two pro tips from Coach if you want to get into coaching but don’t have any previous experience: 

  1. Make sure you have the time    
  2. Find a spot to add value

🎙️ The power and authority comes from the relationships that are being built during pre-season. As well as them trusting the work and trusting the plan.  Real success comes from teaching the why.  It’s easy to tell people what to do.  You’ll have more success if you can convince them why they want to do it!  

🎙️ He’s big on his coaching staff being a balance of people as it relates to the most effective ways to communicate.  

🎙️ The priorities for getting his players where they need to before college are:

  1. Focusing on Grades
  2. Access to College Camps
  3. Structuring Their Weight Program
  4. Using Social Media to Connect with College Coaches

🎙️ Coach isn’t concerned about social media being a distraction for his athletes since it has been a part of how they have grown up.  He follows his players on all of the accounts that he is aware of.  Advising them that there is a purpose for their social media account.  

🎙️ The real meat and potatoes of coaching is the ability to teach your athletes in such a way that they are able to understand and put into practice your instructions.  As well as ensuring that every player understands the value that they bring to the team as a whole.  

🎙️ Making sure there is a culture of community and belonging from the freshman to the senior is vital!